Win XP SP3 Problem
(too old to reply)
2017-08-03 04:20:25 UTC
It's an install from years back and has other problems, too. But this
nonsense where I have to open and close a program two or three times
before it will function properly is bugging me. This just started a
week ago. Anyone heard of this before?
Bob F
2017-08-03 04:42:05 UTC
Post by ***@sdkwt.com
It's an install from years back and has other problems, too. But this
nonsense where I have to open and close a program two or three times
before it will function properly is bugging me. This just started a
week ago. Anyone heard of this before?
Time to run a memory test program?
2017-08-03 15:48:09 UTC
Post by ***@sdkwt.com
It's an install from years back and has other problems, too. But this
nonsense where I have to open and close a program two or three times
before it will function properly is bugging me. This just started a
week ago. Anyone heard of this before?
Sure. And a lot of other things, too.

To begin with, check how much free RAM you have If more
than 50 to 60% is used after you boot, it's too much. Your system may
start hitting virtual memory after you load a few apps. Causes system
slowness, sometimes to the point it can't be used at all. Other
strange things can happen, too.

If your hard drive is 90% or more full, look for ways to reduce that. I
don't like to have mine more than 2/3's full.

Do a Disk Cleaning. I prefer CCleaner, but the one that comes with
XP is good enough.

Use task manager to see what background and startup processes are
running and eliminate those you don't really need. Also, look at what
apps are in the "quick launch" bar. They use RAM since "stubs" of each
app are loaded at boot, so the app launches more quickly.

Do a malware scan using both Malwarebyte's AntiMalware and
SuperAntiSpyware utilities, the free versions. If it's an old system,
you've probably got all sorts of nasty things on it. (Your antivirus,
if installed, won't catch a lot of it.) You may have to do the scans
several times to really clean things out, if it's never been scanned

Defrag your drive. The one that comes with XP is sufficient.

Force a disk check (and repair) to see if the file system is all good.

Consider a Repair Install to check and fix possibily "broken" system

As a last resort, there's always a complete reinstall of everything.

2017-08-04 03:04:37 UTC
Post by Stef
Post by ***@sdkwt.com
It's an install from years back and has other problems, too. But this
nonsense where I have to open and close a program two or three times
before it will function properly is bugging me. This just started a
week ago. Anyone heard of this before?
Sure. And a lot of other things, too.
To begin with, check how much free RAM you have If more
than 50 to 60% is used after you boot, it's too much. Your system may
start hitting virtual memory after you load a few apps. Causes system
slowness, sometimes to the point it can't be used at all. Other
strange things can happen, too.
I'm using a bit over 60% of the memory.

I've got only 2GB of memory for XP. I kept putting off getting the max
of 4GB. I guess I should have gotten it long ago.
Post by Stef
If your hard drive is 90% or more full, look for ways to reduce that. I
don't like to have mine more than 2/3's full.
Only about 20% of my C: is being used.
Post by Stef
Do a Disk Cleaning. I prefer CCleaner, but the one that comes with
XP is good enough.
Use it all the time. Always before turning box off.
Post by Stef
Use task manager to see what background and startup processes are
running and eliminate those you don't really need. Also, look at what
apps are in the "quick launch" bar. They use RAM since "stubs" of each
app are loaded at boot, so the app launches more quickly.
I have 6 items in the Quick Launch bar.
Post by Stef
Do a malware scan using both Malwarebyte's AntiMalware and
SuperAntiSpyware utilities, the free versions. If it's an old system,
you've probably got all sorts of nasty things on it. (Your antivirus,
if installed, won't catch a lot of it.) You may have to do the scans
several times to really clean things out, if it's never been scanned
I have Kaspersky AV installed. I scan at least once a week.
Post by Stef
Defrag your drive. The one that comes with XP is sufficient.
Check that every week or two.
Post by Stef
Force a disk check (and repair) to see if the file system is all good.
Consider a Repair Install to check and fix possibily "broken" system
Well, that's another problem. My CD/DVD player went south a few weeks
ago and I haven't gotten around to replacing it yet.
Post by Stef
As a last resort, there's always a complete reinstall of everything.
I think this is my more sure option. I ain't a tekkie, and I'm not too
sure about using the Repair function on my XP disk. Besides that, I'm
lazy. :o)
Post by Stef
Your answer pretty much reinforces what I already knew. I'm going to
take it to a shop and have it wiped and Win XP installed again. I'm an
old, old geezer and don't see any need to kick XP to the curb. As the
someone once said, 'better the devil you know than the devil you
don't'. I ain't interested in any new devilish nonsense out of

Thanks for answering.
Alex Plantema
2017-08-04 17:02:37 UTC
Also, look at what apps are in the "quick launch" bar. They use RAM since "stubs" of each
app are loaded at boot, so the app launches more quickly.
Items in the quick launch bar aren't loaded at boot, only items in the system tray, i.e. the area adjacent to the clock.
2017-08-06 16:02:33 UTC
Post by Stef
Also, look at what apps are in the "quick launch" bar. They use RAM since "stubs"
of each
app are loaded at boot, so the app launches more quickly.
Items in the quick launch bar aren't loaded at boot, only items in the system tray,
i.e. the area adjacent to the clock.
My apologies. I should have explained more fully. Yes, quick launch
only holds links to the app just like desktop shortcuts, but many
times additional things related to the app that you don't need loaded
at boot get put in Startup by the application's installer. So, check
what's in quick launch, then check Startup to see if anything related
is there. I use CCleaner for this.

As an example, after a clean install of XP I did a few years ago
along with what few apps and utilities I needed, saying "No" to putting
"shortcuts" in quick launch or Desktop. I ended up with about 20 items
in Startup like apps' Updaters, 2 instances of Quicktime!!, etc. I
edited it down to just 3 that were really needed. It saved me a few
megs of RAM and reduced boot time.

So, check Startup regularly especially after installing something. You
might be surprised what useless things get put there.

2017-08-09 11:57:03 UTC
Post by ***@sdkwt.com
It's an install from years back and has other problems, too. But this
nonsense where I have to open and close a program two or three times
before it will function properly is bugging me. This just started a
week ago. Anyone heard of this before?
Any particular program ? Any error messages ? Once the program
is open does it work normally ?
Sounds like registry/file corruption. But could be any number
of things.
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